SEO With HighLevel

V3 Released on July 31st

The First

SEO Snapshot on


20% Off V3 + Sales Training

Verizon 3 Has Officially Dropped!

Students before 09-31-22 will have access to V2 and V3 but all new students will only receive Version 3.

What's New:

  • Clean, Stylish Course Design, Better Flow and Structure Branded and Customized For Leadific Users
  • SEO Sales Training; Current Clients, New Clients, Pricing Sheets, SEO Audits w/ Free Tools, Every Way To Monetize this Snapshot, More Sales Resources
  • All Videos are done using the new 'Leadific SEO Website Template
  • Includes an additional content structure for interlinking articles and adding more long content
  • Additional Resources Video Section: has examples of Video Traffic Reports and Local SEO Tracking Tools with GeoGrids for Client Retention, and My Own Outsourcing Services for On-going SEO citations, links and more

Our Results With This Snapshot

Leadific is a 10 page website snapshot and course combo built on Leadific The 8 step guide shows everything you need to know to quickly customize the site for page 1 rankings and rank GMBs in the 3 pack.

I'm not trying to replace WordPress™️ for technical SEOs but rather show that Leadific provides more than enough for your agency to charge a premium for basic SEO services while giving you a solid foundation on how to do so.

The website template is optimized for local businesses and designed for agencies who want to add SEO to their services offered.

WordPress is Such a Hassle...

What if you could be done with plug-ins, expensive hosting, Zapier and staying current with this years trending page builder or WordPress theme?

Is it unrealistic to want to build and host all of your sites under one digital roof with easy access to forms, automation, a CRM and other necessities? Nope, it exists, you already pay for it and yet you're not utilizing it's full potential. Why is that? Mindset.

Drop the mentality of 'WordPress is the only way' before actually testing Leadific websites. Once you see the rankings, simplicity, and cost saving properties you'll likely never look back.

Video Testimonial

SEO With HighLevel

David Weber

Video Testimonial

SEO With HighLevel

Russ Ward

SEO With HighLevel

Double Your Investment

Time and Time Again

Customize Niche Specific SEO Snapshots

> We'll be releasing custom niche snapshots at the end of the year; using this snapshot as the core. Don't you dare beat us to it (wink, wink)

Sell New Websites For 2X $$$

> Pass the training and template, your content and business information to a VA; Have a complete site in 2-3 days

Sell As 2nd Site To Current Clients

> Position it as a 'blog' that ranks and actually converts leads; Use for backlinks and increased rankings for money site

Use For Multiple Rank and Rent Sites

> Backlink to each site throughout for easy relevant links; Start selling leads in 30-60 days; Sell the whole site after building traffic

SEO With HighLevel

THE Website Template

Receive a 10 Page Website Template for Free! This template and new training was released on 09/31/22. This design is a clean, easy to customize and has all the ranking power of the original template.

Apply the strategies from the training to customize global sections and start generating organic leads faster than ever before! Section C of the course is 8 steps showing how to customize the entire template.

Leadific SEO Snapshot Sales Template

This exact snapshot sales template along with our marketplace for add-on services is included as a top-off to the already massive value that is Leadific SEO. Quickly bring your first niche snapshot to market with a perfect sales page and digital marketplace.

Comes with everything you see on this page, a thank you page containing marketplace offers, and an official marketplace. Canva image templates are in this training video description so you can import your custom snapshot photos and results.

SEO With HighLevel
SEO With HighLevel

Customizing Your Site Is 10x Faster With The 'All Global Sections' Page

> Think of this page as the key to your site; Customize each section to push updates that complete 60% of the site from one page

Custom Value Suggestions In All The Right Places

> Quickly place keywords, services, locations & business info on-page

Training Videos Included With Snapshot

Designed For Anyone w/ Basic Knowledge of The Funnel Builder

- A: Course Overview - Snapshot Intro - SEO Basics

..........- A1:. Course Overview - Snapshot Intro

..........- A2:. SEO Basics

- B: SEO Sales Training - Monetize The Snapshot

..........- B1.: SEO Audits - Upselling .Clients That Have a Site

..........- B2:. Use Snapshot As Magnet for SaaS & Services

..........- B3:. Monetize & Productize SEO, Packages & Pricing

- C: Customizing Website Template with SEO Tips

..........- C1: Collect Info, Content - 'All Global Sections'

..........- C2: Customize Home & Service Pages

..........- C3: Complete City Pages w/ Google Maps Data

..........- C4: About Us, Contact, Thank You, Privacy Policy

..........- C5A: Blog Content Structure 1

..........- C5B: Blog Content Structure 2

..........- C6: Domain - Nav. Menu - Interlinking - Final Inspection

..........- C7: On Page SEO: H-Tags, Alt. Text, Meta Data, Schema

..........- A8: Index in Google Search Console

- D: Customizing Niche Snapshot Sales Page

..........- D1: Customizing & Promoting Your Snapshot

- E: Additional Resources

..........- E1: Accurate ROI Tracking, Dashboard Stats, Lead Source Reports

..........- E2:. Website Traffic Video Report Example

..........- E3:. Local SEO Tracking Tools - GEO Grids

..........- E4:. Outsource Citations, Backlinks, Entity Stacks

Disclaimer: This site is NOT a part of GoHighLevel or affiliated in any way. Any results referenced on this page or in training are not typical or guaranteed in any way. Results are 100% dependent upon the quality and effort put in to the site content, continued updates, backlinks, citations, years in business/on Google and more. There are 1000’s of factors that go into each search result, many of which we can't control but we'll help optimize for the ones we can. The SEO strategies referenced are simply suggestions that are working well for us and others. There will be NO Refunds issued for GHL Meets SEO, see Terms and Conditions for more information.

SEO With HighLevel
SEO With HighLevel

V3 Released on July 31st

The 1st SEO Snapshot


Claim Your Discount Today!

Still on the fence?

Verizon 3 Has Officially Dropped!

Students before 09-31-22 will have access to V2 and V3 but all new students will only receive Version 3. What's New on V3:

  • Clean, Stylish Course Design, Better Flow and Structure, more SEO resources

  • I Branded it For Leadific: A White-labeled HighLevel Brand; in support of The Modern Millionaires, a Multi-Million Dollar Agency that taught me

  • SEO Sales Training; Current Clients, New Clients, Pricing Sheets, SEO Audits & Free Tools, Ways To Monetize Snapshots

  • All Videos are done using the new 'Leadific SEO Website Template'

  • Includes another content structure for linking articles and adding more content

  • Additional Resources Section: examples of Video Traffic Reports, Local SEO Tracking Tools, GeoGrids for Client Retention, and My Outsourced Services for SEO

Our Results With This Snapshot

Leadific SEO is a 10 page website snapshot and course combo built on Leadific. The tier 8 step guide shows everything you need to know to quickly customize the site for page 1 rankings and rank GMBs in the 3 pack.

I'm not trying to replace WordPress™️ for technical SEOs but rather show that Leadific provides more than enough for your agency to charge a premium for SEO while giving you a solid foundation on how to do so.

The website template is optimized for local businesses and designed for agencies who want to add SEO to their services offered.

WordPress is Such a Hassle...

What if you could be done with plug-ins, expensive hosting, Zapier and staying current with this years trending WordPress theme?

Is it unrealistic to want to build and host all of your sites under one digital roof with easy access to forms, automation, a CRM and other necessities? Nope, it exists, you already pay for it and yet you're not utilizing it's full potential. Why is that? Mindset.

Drop the mentality of 'WordPress is the only way' before actually testing Leadific websites. Once you see the rankings, simplicity, and cost saving properties you'll likely never look back.

Increased Rankings After 1 Month

Move the divider and watch the grid turn green

Video Testimonial

10x Detail Media Logo

David Weber

Video Testimonial

10x Detail Media Logo

Russ Ward

Double Your Investment

Time and Time Again

Build Niche Specific SEO Snapshots

> We'll be releasing custom niche snapshots at the end of the year; using this snapshot as the core. Don't you dare beat us to it (wink, wink)

Sell New Websites For 2X $$$

> Pass the training, your content and business info to a VA; Have a complete site in 2 days

Sell 2nd Sites To Current Clients

> Position it as a 'blog' that ranks and actually converts leads; Use for backlinks to money site

Use For Rank and Rent Websites

> Backlink to each site throughout for easy relevant links; Start selling leads in 30-60 days; Sell the whole site after building traffic

Clean Website Template

Receive a 10 Page Website Template for Free! This template and new training was released on 09/31/22. This design is a clean, easy to customize and has all the ranking power of the original template.

Apply the strategies from the training to customize global sections and start generating organic leads faster than ever before! Section C of the course is 8 steps showing how to customize the entire template.

Snapshot Sales & Marketplace Template

This exact snapshot sales template along with our marketplace for add-on services is included as a top-off to the already massive value that is Leadific SEO. Quickly bring your first niche snapshot to market with a perfect sales page and digital marketplace.

Comes with everything you see on this page, a thank you page containing marketplace offers, and an official marketplace. Canva image templates are in this training video description so you can import your custom snapshot photos and results.

Customizing Your Site Is 10x Faster With The 'All Global Sections' Page

> Think of this page as the key to your site; Customize each section to push updates that complete 60% of the site from one page

Custom Values in All The

Right Places

> Quickly place keywords, services, locations & business info on-page












Course Overview

- A: Course Overview - Snapshot Intro - SEO Basics

- A1:. Course Overview - Snapshot Intro

- A2:. SEO Basics

- B: SEO Sales Training - Monetize The Snapshot

- B1.: SEO Audits - Upselling .Clients That Have a Site

.- B2:. Use Snapshot As Magnet for SaaS & Services

.- B3:. Monetize & Productize SEO, Packages & Pricing

- C: Customizing Website Template - SEO Tips

- C1: Collect Info, Content - 'All Global Sections'

- C2: Customize Home & Service Pages

- C3: Complete City Pages w/ Google Maps Data

- C4: About Us, Contact, Thank You, Privacy Policy

- C5A: Blog Content Structure 1

- C5B: Blog Content Structure 2

- C6: Domain - Nav. Menu - Interlinking - Final Inspection

- C7: H-Tags, Alt. Text, Meta Data, Schema

- A8: Index in Google Search Console

- D: Customizing Niche Snapshot Sales Page

.- D1: Customizing & Promoting Your Snapshot

- E: Additional Resources

- E1: Accurate ROI Tracking, Dashboard Stats, Lead Source Reports

- E2:. Website Traffic Video Report Example

- E3:. Local SEO Tracking Tools - GEO Grids

- E4:. Outsource Citations, Backlinks, Entity Stacks

GHL Meets SEO is

presented by Josh Cline,

the owner of MAT Tech

Specialties - a full service

marketing agency for the

automotive repair industry.

Owner of MAT Tech
SEO With HighLevel

The First Plug-n-Play SEO Website

A Snapshot For GoHighLevel

Disclaimer: This site is NOT a part of GoHighLevel or affiliated in any way. Any results referenced on this page or in training are not typical or guaranteed in any way. Results are 100% dependent upon the quality and effort put in to the site content, continued updates, backlinks, citations, years in business/on Google and more. There are 1000’s of factors that go into each search result, many of which we can't control but we'll help optimize for the ones we can. The SEO strategies referenced are simply suggestions that are working well for us and others. There will be NO Refunds issued for GHL Meets SEO, see Terms and Conditions for more information.

Copyright 2022 - GHL Meets SEO

Powered By: MAT Tech

Copyright 2021 - GHL Meets SEO


Powered By: MAT Tech
